If you are born under the Aries zodiac sign, you always need to be active and show zeal that pushes you to face all challenges. You are not scared to start new activities, because you have confidence in your energy, your decisions, and your courage. But on the other hand, Aries may not adequately take into account the obstacles on their way, because judgment is not always on the same level than their dynamism. Aries, you often blithely ignore the need to consider what you’re doing before acting.
Whether in business or love, Aries put much energy into what they’re doing, and they throw all their forces into battle. So, when you suffer a setback, it makes it even tougher. Aries switch easily from one extreme to another, from periods of intense excitement to terrible depressions, because everything is excessive and there is no moderation in your behavior. You will need some time to recover from your disappointments. With time, you will surely take over difficulties, keeping intact your enthusiasm.
Because of your spontaneous nature, and also because of a lack of fallback position, there is no semi-failure for you. Moreover, because of your rather rigid values, you do not have good coping skills.
You're more oriented towards the future than the past. Inclined to get rid of precedent experiences, you don’t get to learn your lessons and much less with those of others. You are primarily concerned with new perspectives, believing that innovation, dynamism and entrepreneurship are your best allies.
You intensely live the present moment. Reacting with spontaneity and intensity, you include your passionate personality in everything you do. Any situation, any sense are experienced on a maximum voltage. You know moments of elation, ecstasy, joy, despondency, delusions or despair that others zodiac signs cannot even imagine. The vehemence of your feelings explains your tendency to prevail, which may sometimes be disproportionate, which sometimes make Aries look like brutal and excessive personalities.
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